YouTube SEO: How to boost your YouTube video’ ranking

Digging into other related terms, you can narrow down the niche of your video and find a unique angle beyond just “distressed jeans.” For example, you might talk about a specific tool or technique (“scissors,” “knife,” “sandpaper”) or perhaps a certain style of distressed jeans (“big holes”). Niching down your videos means that you’re targeting a more defined audience and are less likely to try to compete against more established videos and channels. Another place to conduct video SEO research is through Google. That’s because YouTube videos rank in Google results, meaning that videos that pop up in a search are more than likely optimized for SEO. Take note of what these sorts of videos do in terms of their titles and thumbnails (but more on that later). Finally, you can also conduct keyword research via Google’s Keyword Planner tool. Although not related to video SEO per se, the added bonus of using Google is that you can uncover real-world search terms that people are actually ...