on page seo techniques 2021

It’s no secret that SEO and content go hand-in-hand. After all, without SEO your content may be lost somewhere on page 50 of the search results; and we all know traffic on those pages is less than satisfactory. Likewise, your first-page ranking can only do so much if your content post-click is crummy. That’s why a good relationship between SEO and great content is essential! Here are 10 tips on how to write SEO content to make your content go further and enhance your SEO efforts at the same time. (mostly crypto related ads are scam so do research before working or investing on these ads) 1:Use keyword-rich phrases Use relevant, keyword rich phrases in your headlines as well as throughout your content to let both your readers and the search engines know what your post is about. You can use mangool tools for this purpose easily you can find which keyword ranking on search engines . Use keywords thoughtfully and sparingly, sticking to a more natural feel. In addition to using keyw...